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Top element. Related Manuals for Efergy elite 2. Summary of Contents for Efergy elite 2. InStallatIon SynchronISIng the tranSmItter and dISPlay unIt SettIng the tIme and date other SettIngS dual tarIff dISPlay InformatIon normal dISPlay of PreSent conSumPtIon PrevIouS conSumPtIon dISPlay troubleShootIng dISPoSal SPecIfIcatIonS. InTroducTIon the measuring and monitoring of energy is the basis for saving energy. If you have any questions regarding technical problems please contact customer Services. It IS very ImPortant that you take Into conSIderatIon a few SImPle PrecautIonary meaSureS before uSIng thIS Product efergy energy meters are easy to install. In the uk or Ireland the installation of the energy meter is easy, since the only thing that is required is to connect a sensor to the incoming mains power cable. If you still feel unsure as to how to mount the sensor, we recommend that you contact a qualified electrician. If you find something unusual in or around the distribution box like loose cables, bare cables, burn marks, openings in the insulation jacket or any other damage, etc. Display unit display unit via the transmitter. IndIng your electrIcIty meter find out about your electricity meter and check which type you have. It is normally found on an outer wall, in the garage, in the cellar or in a utility room. If you live in a flat, it may be located near the entry door, in the stairway, or in the cellar. If this is your situation, we recommend that you contact a qualified electrician. IndIng the Power SuPPly cable there are four cables at the bottom of the electricity Diagram 1 Diagram 2 meter. Diagram 3 cables on the underside of the meter. Cable 4 the socket at the base of the transmitter. Extra cable Safety you should under no circumstances connect a sensor to a cable if any of the cables leading to the meter is damaged in any way. IStrIbutIon box find out where your meter is located. Instead, we recommend that the sensors be installed after the main switch in your distribution box. Transmitter Safety you should under no circumstances connect a sensor to a cable if any of the cables leading to the meter is damaged in any way. Press the release cap upwards to open the sensor. Press the sensor together and a click will be heard when the release cap locks. SenSor to the tranSmItter Plug the sensors into the sockets on the bottom of the transmitter. IsIng The TransmITTer and dIsPlay unIT 1. If the transmitter is located outdoors, it is Link extra important to use good quality batteries. If synchronisation is successful, the transmission icon will show on the display. TTIng The TIme and daTe the energy meter must be programmed with the correct time and date in order to give accurate information. Ther seTTIngs the energy meter must be programmed with the correct tariff per kwh in order to give accurate information. If no button is pushed for 20 seconds the display will go back to normal display mode without saving any changes. SIngle tarIff Mode History the symbol will begin flashing. Dual Tariff if you have an electricity meter for dual tariffs. If the alarm Mode History feature is activated and you use more than 5 kw the alarm will sound and a red indicator lamp will light on the display unit. TarIff If you have an electic meter with dual tariffs, you need to program the energy meter for this function. Set the stop time for tariff 1 using the same process. SettIng tarIff 1 Mode History the preset value will begin flashing. SettIng tarIff 2 Mode History the preset value will begin flashing. IsPlay InformaTIon the energy meter displays information on present, previous and average energy consumption. It is up to you to determine and set the co per kwh value. Q If I remove the battery, will I lose all my saved data? If you reset the energy meter all information on previous consumption is erased. I Sweden, finland and the uk the measurement voltage should be set to 230 v. SInkI greaT brITaIn for consumer contact, please visit Enter your email address and check your inbox. Please check your email for further instructions. Tested to comply with FCC standards. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Energy metering and monitoring are at the heart of energy management, understanding when and where your energy is consumed is key to saving money. You can walk around the home with your elite, switching appliances on and off, to see the difference that each one makes. With a few small changes in your consumption behaviour the e2 can help you reduce your energy costs. Whenever possible turn off the main breaker outside your home feeding power to your electric panel. Do not force or bend the cables at any point during installation. Battery changes are performed on the transmitter and on the display. CT sensor may be used to keep the CT sensor from sliding down the wire. CT sensors around the feed wires of your electric panel. Identify the three power wires providing service to your electric panel. Op filexlib.
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