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Use tab to navigate through the menu items. C Goshawk, a naval trainer aircraft that every naval aviator will fly at some point in their career. This bird, 222, was lost earlier this year to an accident. The developers are still working on it as I write this article, so it is only natural that things will be improved over time. This article is based on my impressions of v1. It shall not be judged or compared to paid modules. It is a community project made by a group of dedicated modders that made this aircraft with passion. That being said, there will be circumstances where I will need to reference paid modules to make an argument, but it shall not be directly compared to one. The external model is gorgeous from almost every angle. The included liveries are absolutely great, with plenty of details and accurate markings that make these birds feel a bit more believable. Notice how the exhaust pipe is solid and has the same roughness as the rest of the model. Notice the way that shadows are being drawn by the normalmap. It makes it feel very artificial. The normalmap seems to be inverted and it is reflecting light from angles it should not, in addition to the panel lines being too thick. Since the developers have already done an excellent job with the external model, I think these solutions should not be outside of their capabilities. Now, one area that they absolutely nailed was the internal model for the cockpit. This is a beauty, no other way to say it. Both the student and instructor cockpits are extremely detailed and very well made. Lighting is sublime as well, giving you a very nice experience and immersion feel. The second one is that some sunlight seems to go through the frame and illuminate the instruments in scenarios where they should be under full shadow. This glare was not edited in post. I know that some of the textures were still WIP, so I hope this will be tackled in an upcoming update. As far as my knowledge goes, this is a 3D issue. Light is passing through the shell that goes around the 3D model of the cockpit, making it look like the sun is going through the fuselage and straight into the instruments. As long as you fly it within the expected flight envelope you will not find any issues with the flight model. It is a smooth ride from taxi to landing. Stall characteristics are a bit weird sometimes, but it is not a deal breaker. The aircraft does feel like it carries some weight to it, both on the ground and in the air. E Community mod when they grabbed some of the active testers from their public Discord server as dedicated EFM testers. I know that this is the initial build and that bugs are to be expected, but I was not expecting to get to supersonic speeds or to pull 20G on a corner with no consequence whatsoever. This is my speed record with this build. I even notified them of the issue with excessive thrust at altitude despite it having been reported before. But this is a first impressions article and I have to be honest with my thoughts. I tested of the EFM for the Skyhawk. C devs even had the same issues at first with excessive thrust at high altitudes, causing me to reach Mach 3. I know the devs at VNAO will solve these issues as they have shown they are passionate about this project. Hornet, as their time with the Goshawk provided them with all the basic skills they needed. You will be able to do all sorts of training sorties with this bird, though. I did some mock dogfights with Hueman, a close friend of mine. I was surprised at the fact that I even managed to get him on my sights a couple of times, calling out simulated kills. This is something I was not expecting. You will be surprised at how useful flying this bird is, even for experienced pilots. It is a much more raw experience than jumping straight into something with a flight computer. This means that you will be able to train your friends or that a veteran friend of yours can be your instructor! Perfect for practicing your aim and perfecting your bombing tec filexlib.
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