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Doripenem vs meropenem pdf
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.Meropenem,acarbapenemantibacterialagent,isstableto hydrolysisbymostbeta-lactamasesproducedbyGram-nega - tiveandGram-positivebacteria,includingpenicillinasesand 34/40 vs 75%, 24/32)… For the treatment of cIAIs, DOR was efficacious, generally well tolerated and non-inferior to MEM." Solomkin J, et al. Doripenem vs. Meropenem with an option for oral step-down therapy in the treatment of complicated intra-abdominal infections. ICAAC 2007. Abstract L-487. INFECCIONES INTRA-ABDOMINALES
Sample: total 486 px, random Doripenem 500 mg tiap8 jam vs Meropenem 1g tiap8 jam Hasil: Doripenemnon-inferior pada clinical cure rate dan clinical cure rate Most common ADR: similar with Phase III trial 14. 15 Sample: n=1736 px dg Doripenem500 mg tiap8
The longer half-life of ertapenem is due to extensive protein binding (>90%) compared with imipenem (20%), meropenem (2%), and doripenem (8%) and permits once-daily dosing. Imipenem is typically administered every 6 hours, and meropenem and doripenem are given every 8 hours.
Doripenem was not inferior to meropenem in the treatment of cIAI.[131,132] Clinical cure rates at the TOC assessment were ≥75%, and outcomes with doripenem were noninferior to those with meropenem in both the microbiologically evaluable and the mMITT (co-primary endpoints) patient populations (77.9% vs 78.9%, between-group difference −1.0% [95% CI −9.7, 7.7] in one study; and 74.5% vs 75
Imipenem-cilastatin is the first marketed molecule of the carbapenem class. It is more effective against Gram-positive cocci. Its stability does not allow for long infusions and its main adverse effect on the central nervous system limits its use. Meropenem is more effective against Gram-negative bacilli.
En el segundo estudio se comparó Doripenem (500mg/8h infusión 4h) con Imipenem (500mg/6h o 1g/8h infusión 30-60´) en 531 enfermos. No hubo diferencias en las tasas de curación clínica (68.3% vs 64.2%) pero si cuando el germen responsable era Pseudomona Aeruginosa (80% vs 42.9%) a favor de Doripenem.
Meropenem/imipenem/doripenem Colistin/polymyxin B THE "BEST" ANTIBIOTIC SENSITIVITY CHART EVER (at least the best we could make) Created by James McCormack, BSc(Pharm), PharmD and Fawziah Lalji, BSc(Pharm), PharmD, FCSHP with assistance from Tim Lau
Abstract. Carbapenems play a significant role in the current antibiotic armamentarium. Doripenem is the newest carbapenem to be commercially released. Its antimicrobial spectrum more closely resembles those of meropenem and imipenem than that of ertapenem. Thus, it has significant in vitro activity against streptococci, methicillin-susceptible
similar to that observed for meropenem, and four to eight times higher than ertapenem's and imipenem's.7 Against strains of Enterobacter spp. doripenem and meropenem showed an activity eight times higher than that observed for imipenem and ertapenem (MIC 90 0.12 mg/L vs MIC 90 1 10mg/L, respectively). Similarly, the MIC of doripenem
Doripenem is structurally similar to meropenem, and unlike imipenem does not require concurrent admini-stration of a renal enzyme inhibitor (cilastatin). Spectrum of coverage includes gram-positive, gram-negative and anaerobic pathogens similar to imipenem/cilastatin and meropenem.2 This new par-enteral antibiotic may offer slightly more activity
Recently, doripenem has been approved for the treatment of nosocomial pneumonia (NP), including ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). The E-test was performed to determine the MICs of doripenem and meropenem in 203 endotracheal aspirate isolates that consisted of 140 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complexes and 63 Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Recently, doripenem has been approved for the treatment of nosocomial pneumonia (NP), including ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). The E-test was performed to determine the MICs of doripenem and meropenem in 203 endotracheal aspirate isolates that consisted of 140 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complexes and 63 Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Doripenem was approved use in Taiwan in August 2009. Before that, imipenem/cilastatin and meropenem were the only two antipseudomonal carbapenems available in Taiwan. Studies in other countries have demonstrated doripenem to have similar in vitro activity to meropenem against a wide range of Gram-negative pathogens and to imipenem -